Scrap Pink

Here is the info on the Scrap Pink week end. We will be running a crop from 6am till 11pm on Sat. the 29th of Sept. The cost will be $65, with a portion of the proceeds going directly to the Susan G. Koman foundation. We will have a continental breakfast, a lite lunch and dinner. We will have information from the Susan G. Koman for the cure on women's health. As always lots of fun and games will be the order of the day. Registration is going on now and spots are filling up quickly. Call or come in and grab a spot.
New this crop will be the opportunity to come claim your spot and set up Friday evening.
Let's Support the Cure!
At 8:28 PM,
Anonymous said…
Wendy--I totally can't wait for this. The all day crops are so much fun. I would also like to see someone arrive before I do, since I am usually the first one there! I love the prize that I get for being first! (hint! hint! people.)
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