Stealing Home Plate

We all know that metal embellishments have the tendency of making projects bulky and heavy. But not these! They are so thin that they add only a tiny little bit more bulk than a cardstock sticker. What's even more remarkable is that these tiles are sturdy enough to go on any project and not get bent.
Each one of these embellishments features an image with a matching word. Chances are you can find one to fit whatever theme you need. Some words that aren't shown here include easter, camping, harvest, theater, baby, and winter. If you can't find ANY that you can use (and that's a big feat right there!) then just flip them over. The smooth back on each tile has the same vibrant color that the front has. Use them either as a color block or use the American Crafts Slickwriters to design your own!
Next time you are in the store I really suggest you check these out. They are sold individually for only 75 cents a piece!
Here is an example of how I used one on my pages. FYI, the center of the layout is cut off. Our poor lil' scanner can't handle 12x12" pages, and I wasn't about to try stitching them together online! I tried to make these pages look like a gameboard, and I used one of the picture plates as the "Home" to my board. But I'm sure you could figure it out.
The rest of the paper used is also American Crafts, Simply Chic. We currently have it in stock, and I feel like its a great line to just pick up. I like having a couple matching lines lying around when I work. That way when I get stuck I can just grab a pile and start working.
That's it from me! I hope you found this useful... and enjoyable. Keep being fabulous and don't forget our sale tomorow!
Much Love,
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