Here comes the Bride
Deseree got married on October 25th to Matthew Wyatt (We call him Wyatt). It was a beautiful event. They were married in the Logan Utah LDS Temple and had a reception in Providence Utah that evening. All my family was able to be there. We are very happy for Des and Wyatt. Sam was still on his mission at the time, but they got married in his mission boundaries so he was allowed to attend the ceremony. Joe was the best man, Marissa was the flower girl, Des' 2 friends Natalie Pace and Tiffany Peck were Bridesmaids.
Thanks to all family and friends that helped make it special!
We had a small open house in NY in Dec. to celebrate with friends here.
At 4:49 PM,
Crystal said…
Wendy! I'm so glad I found you today! I'm having fun looking through the wedding pics. Thanks for posting them!
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